
class telegram.Chat(id: int, type: str, title: str = None, username: str = None, first_name: str = None, last_name: str = None, bot: Bot = None, photo: telegram.files.chatphoto.ChatPhoto = None, description: str = None, invite_link: str = None, pinned_message: Message = None, permissions: telegram.chatpermissions.ChatPermissions = None, sticker_set_name: str = None, can_set_sticker_set: bool = None, slow_mode_delay: int = None, bio: str = None, linked_chat_id: int = None, location: telegram.chatlocation.ChatLocation = None, **_kwargs)

Bases: telegram.base.TelegramObject

This object represents a chat.

Objects of this class are comparable in terms of equality. Two objects of this class are considered equal, if their id is equal.

  • id (int) – Unique identifier for this chat. This number may be greater than 32 bits and some programming languages may have difficulty/silent defects in interpreting it. But it is smaller than 52 bits, so a signed 64 bit integer or double-precision float type are safe for storing this identifier.
  • type (str) – Type of chat, can be either ‘private’, ‘group’, ‘supergroup’ or ‘channel’.
  • title (str, optional) – Title, for supergroups, channels and group chats.
  • username (str, optional) – Username, for private chats, supergroups and channels if available.
  • first_name (str, optional) – First name of the other party in a private chat.
  • last_name (str, optional) – Last name of the other party in a private chat.
  • photo (telegram.ChatPhoto, optional) – Chat photo. Returned only in telegram.Bot.get_chat().
  • bio (str, optional) – Bio of the other party in a private chat. Returned only in telegram.Bot.get_chat().
  • description (str, optional) – Description, for groups, supergroups and channel chats. Returned only in telegram.Bot.get_chat().
  • invite_link (str, optional) – Chat invite link, for groups, supergroups and channel chats. Each administrator in a chat generates their own invite links, so the bot must first generate the link using export_chat_invite_link(). Returned only in telegram.Bot.get_chat().
  • pinned_message (telegram.Message, optional) – The most recent pinned message (by sending date). Returned only in telegram.Bot.get_chat().
  • permissions (telegram.ChatPermissions) – Optional. Default chat member permissions, for groups and supergroups. Returned only in telegram.Bot.get_chat().
  • slow_mode_delay (int, optional) – For supergroups, the minimum allowed delay between consecutive messages sent by each unprivileged user. Returned only in telegram.Bot.get_chat().
  • bot (telegram.Bot, optional) – The Bot to use for instance methods.
  • sticker_set_name (str, optional) – For supergroups, name of group sticker set. Returned only in telegram.Bot.get_chat().
  • can_set_sticker_set (bool, optional) – True, if the bot can change group the sticker set. Returned only in telegram.Bot.get_chat().
  • linked_chat_id (int, optional) – Unique identifier for the linked chat, i.e. the discussion group identifier for a channel and vice versa; for supergroups and channel chats. Returned only in telegram.Bot.get_chat().
  • location (telegram.ChatLocation, optional) – For supergroups, the location to which the supergroup is connected. Returned only in telegram.Bot.get_chat().
  • **kwargs (dict) – Arbitrary keyword arguments.

Unique identifier for this chat.


Type of chat.


Optional. Title, for supergroups, channels and group chats.


Optional. Username.


Optional. First name of the other party in a private chat.


Optional. Last name of the other party in a private chat.


Optional. Chat photo.


Optional. Bio of the other party in a private chat. Returned only in telegram.Bot.get_chat().


Optional. Description, for groups, supergroups and channel chats.


Optional. Chat invite link, for supergroups and channel chats.


Optional. The most recent pinned message (by sending date). Returned only in telegram.Bot.get_chat().


Optional. Default chat member permissions, for groups and supergroups. Returned only in telegram.Bot.get_chat().


Optional. For supergroups, the minimum allowed delay between consecutive messages sent by each unprivileged user. Returned only in telegram.Bot.get_chat().


Optional. For supergroups, name of Group sticker set.


Optional. True, if the bot can change group the sticker set.


Optional. Unique identifier for the linked chat, i.e. the discussion group identifier for a channel and vice versa; for supergroups and channel chats. Returned only in telegram.Bot.get_chat().


Optional. For supergroups, the location to which the supergroup is connected. Returned only in telegram.Bot.get_chat().

CHANNEL = 'channel'


GROUP = 'group'


PRIVATE = 'private'


SUPERGROUP = 'supergroup'


copy_message(chat_id: Union[int, str], message_id: Union[str, int], caption: str = None, parse_mode: Union[DefaultValue[DVType], str, None] = None, caption_entities: Union[Tuple[MessageEntity, ...], List[MessageEntity]] = None, disable_notification: Union[DefaultValue[DVType], bool] = None, reply_to_message_id: Union[int, str] = None, allow_sending_without_reply: Union[DefaultValue[DVType], bool] = None, reply_markup: ReplyMarkup = None, timeout: Union[DefaultValue[DVType], float, None] = None, api_kwargs: Dict[str, Any] = None) → MessageId

Shortcut for:

bot.copy_message(, *args, **kwargs)

For the documentation of the arguments, please see telegram.Bot.copy_message().

Returns:On success, instance representing the message posted.
Return type:telegram.Message

Convenience property. If first_name is not None gives, first_name followed by (if available) last_name.


full_name will always be None, if the chat is a (super)group or channel.

New in version 13.2.

get_administrators(timeout: Union[DefaultValue[DVType], float, None] = None, api_kwargs: Dict[str, Any] = None) → List[ChatMember]

Shortcut for:

bot.get_chat_administrators(, *args, **kwargs)

For the documentation of the arguments, please see telegram.Bot.get_chat_administrators().

Returns:A list of administrators in a chat. An Array of telegram.ChatMember objects that contains information about all chat administrators except other bots. If the chat is a group or a supergroup and no administrators were appointed, only the creator will be returned.
Return type:List[telegram.ChatMember]
get_member(user_id: Union[str, int], timeout: Union[DefaultValue[DVType], float, None] = None, api_kwargs: Dict[str, Any] = None) → ChatMember

Shortcut for:

bot.get_chat_member(, *args, **kwargs)

For the documentation of the arguments, please see telegram.Bot.get_chat_member().

get_members_count(timeout: Union[DefaultValue[DVType], float, None] = None, api_kwargs: Dict[str, Any] = None) → int

Shortcut for:

bot.get_chat_members_count(, *args, **kwargs)

For the documentation of the arguments, please see telegram.Bot.get_chat_members_count().

kick_member(user_id: Union[str, int], timeout: Union[DefaultValue[DVType], float, None] = None, until_date: Union[int, datetime.datetime] = None, api_kwargs: Dict[str, Any] = None) → bool

Shortcut for:

bot.kick_chat_member(, *args, **kwargs)

For the documentation of the arguments, please see telegram.Bot.kick_chat_member().

Returns:If the action was sent successfully.
Return type:bool


This method will only work if the All Members Are Admins setting is off in the target group. Otherwise members may only be removed by the group’s creator or by the member that added them.

leave(timeout: Union[DefaultValue[DVType], float, None] = None, api_kwargs: Dict[str, Any] = None) → bool

Shortcut for:

bot.leave_chat(, *args, **kwargs)

For the documentation of the arguments, please see telegram.Bot.leave_chat().

Returns:bool If the action was sent successfully.

Convenience property. If the chat has a username, returns a link of the chat.

pin_message(message_id: Union[str, int], disable_notification: Union[DefaultValue[DVType], bool, None] = None, timeout: Union[DefaultValue[DVType], float, None] = None, api_kwargs: Dict[str, Any] = None) → bool

Shortcut for:


For the documentation of the arguments, please see telegram.Bot.pin_chat_message().

Returns:On success, True is returned.
Return type:bool
promote_member(user_id: Union[str, int], can_change_info: bool = None, can_post_messages: bool = None, can_edit_messages: bool = None, can_delete_messages: bool = None, can_invite_users: bool = None, can_restrict_members: bool = None, can_pin_messages: bool = None, can_promote_members: bool = None, timeout: Union[DefaultValue[DVType], float, None] = None, api_kwargs: Dict[str, Any] = None, is_anonymous: bool = None) → bool

Shortcut for:

bot.promote_chat_member(, *args, **kwargs)

For the documentation of the arguments, please see telegram.Bot.promote_chat_member().

New in version 13.2.

Returns:If the action was sent successfully.
Return type:bool
restrict_member(user_id: Union[str, int], permissions: telegram.chatpermissions.ChatPermissions, until_date: Union[int, datetime.datetime] = None, timeout: Union[DefaultValue[DVType], float, None] = None, api_kwargs: Dict[str, Any] = None) → bool

Shortcut for:

bot.restrict_chat_member(, *args, **kwargs)

For the documentation of the arguments, please see telegram.Bot.restrict_chat_member().

New in version 13.2.

Returns:If the action was sent successfully.
Return type:bool
send_action(action: str, timeout: Union[DefaultValue[DVType], float, None] = None, api_kwargs: Dict[str, Any] = None) → bool

Alias for send_chat_action

send_animation(animation: Union[str, bytes, IO, InputFile, pathlib.Path, Animation], duration: int = None, width: int = None, height: int = None, thumb: Union[str, bytes, IO, InputFile, pathlib.Path] = None, caption: str = None, parse_mode: Union[DefaultValue[DVType], str, None] = None, disable_notification: Union[DefaultValue[DVType], bool] = None, reply_to_message_id: Union[int, str] = None, reply_markup: ReplyMarkup = None, timeout: Union[DefaultValue[DVType], float] = 20, api_kwargs: Dict[str, Any] = None, allow_sending_without_reply: Union[DefaultValue[DVType], bool, None] = None, caption_entities: Union[List[MessageEntity], Tuple[MessageEntity, ...]] = None, filename: str = None) → Message

Shortcut for:

bot.send_animation(, *args, **kwargs)

For the documentation of the arguments, please see telegram.Bot.send_animation().

Returns:On success, instance representing the message posted.
Return type:telegram.Message
send_audio(audio: Union[str, bytes, IO, InputFile, pathlib.Path, Audio], duration: int = None, performer: str = None, title: str = None, caption: str = None, disable_notification: Union[DefaultValue[DVType], bool] = None, reply_to_message_id: Union[int, str] = None, reply_markup: ReplyMarkup = None, timeout: Union[DefaultValue[DVType], float] = 20, parse_mode: Union[DefaultValue[DVType], str, None] = None, thumb: Union[str, bytes, IO, InputFile, pathlib.Path] = None, api_kwargs: Dict[str, Any] = None, allow_sending_without_reply: Union[DefaultValue[DVType], bool, None] = None, caption_entities: Union[List[MessageEntity], Tuple[MessageEntity, ...]] = None, filename: str = None) → Message

Shortcut for:

bot.send_audio(, *args, **kwargs)

For the documentation of the arguments, please see telegram.Bot.send_audio().

Returns:On success, instance representing the message posted.
Return type:telegram.Message
send_chat_action(action: str, timeout: Union[DefaultValue[DVType], float, None] = None, api_kwargs: Dict[str, Any] = None) → bool

Shortcut for:

bot.send_chat_action(, *args, **kwargs)

For the documentation of the arguments, please see telegram.Bot.send_chat_action().

Returns:On success, True is returned.
Return type:bool
send_contact(phone_number: str = None, first_name: str = None, last_name: str = None, disable_notification: Union[DefaultValue[DVType], bool] = None, reply_to_message_id: Union[int, str] = None, reply_markup: ReplyMarkup = None, timeout: Union[DefaultValue[DVType], float, None] = None, contact: Contact = None, vcard: str = None, api_kwargs: Dict[str, Any] = None, allow_sending_without_reply: Union[DefaultValue[DVType], bool, None] = None) → Message

Shortcut for:

bot.send_contact(, *args, **kwargs)

For the documentation of the arguments, please see telegram.Bot.send_contact().

Returns:On success, instance representing the message posted.
Return type:telegram.Message
send_copy(from_chat_id: Union[str, int], message_id: Union[str, int], caption: str = None, parse_mode: Union[DefaultValue[DVType], str, None] = None, caption_entities: Union[Tuple[MessageEntity, ...], List[MessageEntity]] = None, disable_notification: Union[DefaultValue[DVType], bool] = None, reply_to_message_id: Union[int, str] = None, allow_sending_without_reply: Union[DefaultValue[DVType], bool] = None, reply_markup: ReplyMarkup = None, timeout: Union[DefaultValue[DVType], float, None] = None, api_kwargs: Dict[str, Any] = None) → MessageId

Shortcut for:

bot.copy_message(, *args, **kwargs)

For the documentation of the arguments, please see telegram.Bot.copy_message().

Returns:On success, instance representing the message posted.
Return type:telegram.Message
send_dice(disable_notification: Union[DefaultValue[DVType], bool, None] = None, reply_to_message_id: Union[int, str] = None, reply_markup: ReplyMarkup = None, timeout: Union[DefaultValue[DVType], float, None] = None, emoji: str = None, api_kwargs: Dict[str, Any] = None, allow_sending_without_reply: Union[DefaultValue[DVType], bool, None] = None) → Message

Shortcut for:

bot.send_dice(, *args, **kwargs)

For the documentation of the arguments, please see telegram.Bot.send_dice().

Returns:On success, instance representing the message posted.
Return type:telegram.Message
send_document(document: Union[str, bytes, IO, InputFile, pathlib.Path, Document], filename: str = None, caption: str = None, disable_notification: Union[DefaultValue[DVType], bool] = None, reply_to_message_id: Union[int, str] = None, reply_markup: ReplyMarkup = None, timeout: Union[DefaultValue[DVType], float] = 20, parse_mode: Union[DefaultValue[DVType], str, None] = None, thumb: Union[str, bytes, IO, InputFile, pathlib.Path] = None, api_kwargs: Dict[str, Any] = None, disable_content_type_detection: bool = None, allow_sending_without_reply: Union[DefaultValue[DVType], bool, None] = None, caption_entities: Union[List[MessageEntity], Tuple[MessageEntity, ...]] = None) → Message

Shortcut for:

bot.send_document(, *args, **kwargs)

For the documentation of the arguments, please see telegram.Bot.send_document().

Returns:On success, instance representing the message posted.
Return type:telegram.Message
send_game(game_short_name: str, disable_notification: Union[DefaultValue[DVType], bool] = None, reply_to_message_id: Union[int, str] = None, reply_markup: InlineKeyboardMarkup = None, timeout: Union[DefaultValue[DVType], float, None] = None, api_kwargs: Dict[str, Any] = None, allow_sending_without_reply: Union[DefaultValue[DVType], bool, None] = None) → Message

Shortcut for:

bot.send_game(, *args, **kwargs)

For the documentation of the arguments, please see telegram.Bot.send_game().

Returns:On success, instance representing the message posted.
Return type:telegram.Message
send_invoice(title: str, description: str, payload: str, provider_token: str, start_parameter: str, currency: str, prices: List[LabeledPrice], photo_url: str = None, photo_size: int = None, photo_width: int = None, photo_height: int = None, need_name: bool = None, need_phone_number: bool = None, need_email: bool = None, need_shipping_address: bool = None, is_flexible: bool = None, disable_notification: Union[DefaultValue[DVType], bool] = None, reply_to_message_id: Union[int, str] = None, reply_markup: InlineKeyboardMarkup = None, provider_data: Union[str, object] = None, send_phone_number_to_provider: bool = None, send_email_to_provider: bool = None, timeout: Union[DefaultValue[DVType], float, None] = None, api_kwargs: Dict[str, Any] = None, allow_sending_without_reply: Union[DefaultValue[DVType], bool, None] = None) → Message

Shortcut for:

bot.send_invoice(, *args, **kwargs)

For the documentation of the arguments, please see telegram.Bot.send_invoice().

Returns:On success, instance representing the message posted.
Return type:telegram.Message
send_location(latitude: float = None, longitude: float = None, disable_notification: Union[DefaultValue[DVType], bool] = None, reply_to_message_id: Union[int, str] = None, reply_markup: ReplyMarkup = None, timeout: Union[DefaultValue[DVType], float, None] = None, location: Location = None, live_period: int = None, api_kwargs: Dict[str, Any] = None, horizontal_accuracy: float = None, heading: int = None, proximity_alert_radius: int = None, allow_sending_without_reply: Union[DefaultValue[DVType], bool, None] = None) → Message

Shortcut for:

bot.send_location(, *args, **kwargs)

For the documentation of the arguments, please see telegram.Bot.send_location().

Returns:On success, instance representing the message posted.
Return type:telegram.Message
send_media_group(media: List[Union[InputMediaAudio, InputMediaDocument, InputMediaPhoto, InputMediaVideo]], disable_notification: Union[DefaultValue[DVType], bool, None] = None, reply_to_message_id: Union[int, str] = None, timeout: Union[DefaultValue[DVType], float] = 20, api_kwargs: Dict[str, Any] = None, allow_sending_without_reply: Union[DefaultValue[DVType], bool, None] = None) → List[Message]

Shortcut for:

bot.send_media_group(, *args, **kwargs)

For the documentation of the arguments, please see telegram.Bot.send_media_group().

Returns:] On success, instance representing the message posted.
Return type:List[telegram.Message
send_message(text: str, parse_mode: Union[DefaultValue[DVType], str, None] = None, disable_web_page_preview: Union[DefaultValue[DVType], bool, None] = None, disable_notification: Union[DefaultValue[DVType], bool] = None, reply_to_message_id: Union[int, str] = None, reply_markup: ReplyMarkup = None, timeout: Union[DefaultValue[DVType], float, None] = None, api_kwargs: Dict[str, Any] = None, allow_sending_without_reply: Union[DefaultValue[DVType], bool, None] = None, entities: Union[List[MessageEntity], Tuple[MessageEntity, ...]] = None) → Message

Shortcut for:

bot.send_message(, *args, **kwargs)

For the documentation of the arguments, please see telegram.Bot.send_message().

Returns:On success, instance representing the message posted.
Return type:telegram.Message
send_photo(photo: Union[str, bytes, IO, InputFile, pathlib.Path, PhotoSize], caption: str = None, disable_notification: Union[DefaultValue[DVType], bool] = None, reply_to_message_id: Union[int, str] = None, reply_markup: ReplyMarkup = None, timeout: Union[DefaultValue[DVType], float] = 20, parse_mode: Union[DefaultValue[DVType], str, None] = None, api_kwargs: Dict[str, Any] = None, allow_sending_without_reply: Union[DefaultValue[DVType], bool, None] = None, caption_entities: Union[List[MessageEntity], Tuple[MessageEntity, ...]] = None, filename: str = None) → Message

Shortcut for:

bot.send_photo(, *args, **kwargs)

For the documentation of the arguments, please see telegram.Bot.send_photo().

Returns:On success, instance representing the message posted.
Return type:telegram.Message
send_poll(question: str, options: List[str], is_anonymous: bool = True, type: str = 'regular', allows_multiple_answers: bool = False, correct_option_id: int = None, is_closed: bool = None, disable_notification: Union[DefaultValue[DVType], bool, None] = None, reply_to_message_id: Union[int, str] = None, reply_markup: ReplyMarkup = None, timeout: Union[DefaultValue[DVType], float, None] = None, explanation: str = None, explanation_parse_mode: Union[DefaultValue[DVType], str, None] = None, open_period: int = None, close_date: Union[int, datetime.datetime] = None, api_kwargs: Dict[str, Any] = None, allow_sending_without_reply: Union[DefaultValue[DVType], bool, None] = None, explanation_entities: Union[List[MessageEntity], Tuple[MessageEntity, ...]] = None) → Message

Shortcut for:

bot.send_poll(, *args, **kwargs)

For the documentation of the arguments, please see telegram.Bot.send_poll().

Returns:On success, instance representing the message posted.
Return type:telegram.Message
send_sticker(sticker: Union[str, bytes, IO, InputFile, pathlib.Path, Sticker], disable_notification: Union[DefaultValue[DVType], bool] = None, reply_to_message_id: Union[int, str] = None, reply_markup: ReplyMarkup = None, timeout: Union[DefaultValue[DVType], float] = 20, api_kwargs: Dict[str, Any] = None, allow_sending_without_reply: Union[DefaultValue[DVType], bool, None] = None) → Message

Shortcut for:

bot.send_sticker(, *args, **kwargs)

For the documentation of the arguments, please see telegram.Bot.send_sticker().

Returns:On success, instance representing the message posted.
Return type:telegram.Message
send_venue(latitude: float = None, longitude: float = None, title: str = None, address: str = None, foursquare_id: str = None, disable_notification: Union[DefaultValue[DVType], bool] = None, reply_to_message_id: Union[int, str] = None, reply_markup: ReplyMarkup = None, timeout: Union[DefaultValue[DVType], float, None] = None, venue: Venue = None, foursquare_type: str = None, api_kwargs: Dict[str, Any] = None, google_place_id: str = None, google_place_type: str = None, allow_sending_without_reply: Union[DefaultValue[DVType], bool, None] = None) → Message

Shortcut for:

bot.send_venue(, *args, **kwargs)

For the documentation of the arguments, please see telegram.Bot.send_venue().

Returns:On success, instance representing the message posted.
Return type:telegram.Message
send_video(video: Union[str, bytes, IO, InputFile, pathlib.Path, Video], duration: int = None, caption: str = None, disable_notification: Union[DefaultValue[DVType], bool] = None, reply_to_message_id: Union[int, str] = None, reply_markup: ReplyMarkup = None, timeout: Union[DefaultValue[DVType], float] = 20, width: int = None, height: int = None, parse_mode: Union[DefaultValue[DVType], str, None] = None, supports_streaming: bool = None, thumb: Union[str, bytes, IO, InputFile, pathlib.Path] = None, api_kwargs: Dict[str, Any] = None, allow_sending_without_reply: Union[DefaultValue[DVType], bool, None] = None, caption_entities: Union[List[MessageEntity], Tuple[MessageEntity, ...]] = None, filename: str = None) → Message

Shortcut for:

bot.send_video(, *args, **kwargs)

For the documentation of the arguments, please see telegram.Bot.send_video().

Returns:On success, instance representing the message posted.
Return type:telegram.Message
send_video_note(video_note: Union[str, bytes, IO, InputFile, pathlib.Path, VideoNote], duration: int = None, length: int = None, disable_notification: Union[DefaultValue[DVType], bool] = None, reply_to_message_id: Union[int, str] = None, reply_markup: ReplyMarkup = None, timeout: Union[DefaultValue[DVType], float] = 20, thumb: Union[str, bytes, IO, InputFile, pathlib.Path] = None, api_kwargs: Dict[str, Any] = None, allow_sending_without_reply: Union[DefaultValue[DVType], bool, None] = None, filename: str = None) → Message

Shortcut for:

bot.send_video_note(, *args, **kwargs)

For the documentation of the arguments, please see telegram.Bot.send_video_note().

Returns:On success, instance representing the message posted.
Return type:telegram.Message
send_voice(voice: Union[str, bytes, IO, InputFile, pathlib.Path, Voice], duration: int = None, caption: str = None, disable_notification: Union[DefaultValue[DVType], bool] = None, reply_to_message_id: Union[int, str] = None, reply_markup: ReplyMarkup = None, timeout: Union[DefaultValue[DVType], float] = 20, parse_mode: Union[DefaultValue[DVType], str, None] = None, api_kwargs: Dict[str, Any] = None, allow_sending_without_reply: Union[DefaultValue[DVType], bool, None] = None, caption_entities: Union[List[MessageEntity], Tuple[MessageEntity, ...]] = None, filename: str = None) → Message

Shortcut for:

bot.send_voice(, *args, **kwargs)

For the documentation of the arguments, please see telegram.Bot.send_voice().

Returns:On success, instance representing the message posted.
Return type:telegram.Message
set_administrator_custom_title(user_id: Union[int, str], custom_title: str, timeout: Union[DefaultValue[DVType], float, None] = None, api_kwargs: Dict[str, Any] = None) → bool

Shortcut for:

bot.set_chat_administrator_custom_title(, *args, **kwargs)

For the documentation of the arguments, please see telegram.Bot.set_chat_administrator_custom_title().

Returns: bool: If the action was sent successfully.

set_permissions(permissions: telegram.chatpermissions.ChatPermissions, timeout: Union[DefaultValue[DVType], float, None] = None, api_kwargs: Dict[str, Any] = None) → bool

Shortcut for:

bot.set_chat_permissions(, *args, **kwargs)

For the documentation of the arguments, please see telegram.Bot.set_chat_permissions().

Returns:If the action was sent successfully.
Return type:bool
unban_member(user_id: Union[str, int], timeout: Union[DefaultValue[DVType], float, None] = None, api_kwargs: Dict[str, Any] = None, only_if_banned: bool = None) → bool

Shortcut for:

bot.unban_chat_member(, *args, **kwargs)

For the documentation of the arguments, please see telegram.Bot.unban_chat_member().

Returns:If the action was sent successfully.
Return type:bool
unpin_all_messages(timeout: Union[DefaultValue[DVType], float, None] = None, api_kwargs: Dict[str, Any] = None) → bool

Shortcut for:


For the documentation of the arguments, please see telegram.Bot.unpin_all_chat_messages().

Returns:On success, True is returned.
Return type:bool
unpin_message(timeout: Union[DefaultValue[DVType], float, None] = None, api_kwargs: Dict[str, Any] = None, message_id: Union[str, int] = None) → bool

Shortcut for:


For the documentation of the arguments, please see telegram.Bot.unpin_chat_message().

Returns:On success, True is returned.
Return type:bool